directory: Directory listing routines

Table dir 
   key string User defined key to this data
   file string Filename
   type enumerate [File Directory Hidden]
   size number 
   user_id string 
   user_rights enumerate [Normal Execute Readonly None]
   group_id string 
   group_rights enumerate [Normal Execute Readonly None]
   public_rights enumerate [Normal Execute Readonly None]
   last_use time 
   last_change time 
   index dir key file
Routine directory 
    dir constr Directory name to read
    key constrdefault: 'none'  Key to administrate this directory
Routine ftp 
    path string Full path to directory to export
    export string Full path in remote sytem
    types string File types to export divided by |
    site string Site name for export
    user string User name to log on with
    last time Previous export time
Copyright (C) 2001 Jurjen J. Stellingwerff