Table | scan | Table containing the information of the latest tag |
order | sort | |
key | string | Key inside the tag |
value | string | Value given to the key |
index | scan | order |
index | scankey | key order |
Global keyword | string | Found keyword |
Global keywstr | string | Found string in the code |
Global scantag | string | Latest tag found |
Global scantype | [EOF StartTag EndTag SingleTag] | |
Global scanstring | string | String found |
Routine | scankeyword | Scan keywords form the source file |
Routine | do_scan | Scan the source for the next tag |
expect | string | List of valid scan tags separated by spaces |
Routine | initscan | Initialise the use of the scanner |
file | string | The filename to use as the source file |
Routine | scanpush | Change the source file but remember the old one |
file | string | Filename to continue scanning |
Routine | scanpop | Return to the previous file to scan |