Module : standard
<module title="Standard functions of Unibase"
author="Jurjen Stellingwerff"
Include this module to get access to the standard types and functions of
<sub title="Future developments">
More different type handling functions. Including display layout strings.
These should also cover the handling of date and time layout.
Also functions for find and replace within texts.
A seperate module 'math' should contain the mathematical functions and types.
<list heading="Known bugs">
<item name="Text handling functions">The text handling is not perfect. Especially
the functions on fields don't work as they should. A new text type should get a
copy of the text and not the same pointer.
<import module="stdtype"/>
<include file="system"/>
<include file="unistd"/>
<include file="time"/>
<include file="sys/time"/>
<import module="dbase"/>
<sub title="String handling functions">
<routine name="fromhex" use="Gets a hexedecimal value out of a string"
type="number" use="the number or 0 when nothing was found"
parameter="hex" type="constr" use="the string is totally scanned for numbers" system>
long int n;
int t;
if (v_hex==0) return 0;
for(t=0; t< strlen(v_hex); t++)
{ if (isdigit(v_hex[t])) n=n*16+v_hex[t]-'0';
else n=n*16+v_hex[t]-'A'+10;
return n;
<routine name="tohex" use="Creates a string with a hexedecimal value"
type="string" use="the string or a null when too big or below zero"
parameter="num" type="number" use="the none negative number"
char *r=0;
char ch[2];
int t;
if (v_num<0 || v_num>0xfffffff) return 0;
for(t=0; t<7; t++)
{ long int n=v_num % 16;
v_num = v_num/16;
if (v_num==0 && n==0) break;
if (n>9) ch[0]=n+'A'-10;
else ch[0]=n+'0';
r=sadd(scpy(ch), r);
return r;
<routine name="ascii" use="Get the acsii value of the first character of the string"
type="number" use="the found ascii value of -1 when string was null"
parameter="str" type="string" use="a string, only the first character is relevant"
if (v_str==0) return -1;
return v_str[0];
<routine name="char" use="Creates a string with a single character"
type="constr" use="the string"
parameter="ascii" type="number" use="the ascii-number of the character"
static char ch[2];
return ch;
<routine name="findstring" use="Find a substring within another string"
type="number" use="the found position or 0 when nothing is found"
parameter="haystack" type="constr" use="the string to search in"
parameter="needle" type="constr" use="the string to search for"
parameter="from" type="number" default="1" use="the starting position to search from"
char *result;
if (v_haystack==0 || v_needle==0) return -1;
if (v_from<0) v_from=0;
if (v_from>strlen(v_haystack)) v_from=strlen(v_haystack)+1;
result=strstr(v_haystack+v_from-1, v_needle);
if (result==0) return -1;
return (((long int)result) - ((long int)v_haystack))+1;
<routine name="pattern" type="constr"
parameter="pattern" type="string"
parameter="times" type="number" system>
long int t;
char *r=0;
for (t=0; t < v_times; t++) r=scon(r, v_pattern);
return r;
<routine name="left" use="Get the leftmost part of a string"
type="string" use="the return string or an empty string when length=0"
parameter="string" type="constr" use="the source string"
parameter="length" type="number" use="number of characters to get from the string"
char *r;
if (v_string==0) return 0;
if (v_length>(long int)strlen(v_string)) v_length=strlen(v_string);
if (v_length<1 || v_string==0)
{ r=scpy("");
} else
{ r=malloc(v_length+1);
strncpy(r, v_string, v_length);
return r;
<routine name="right" use="Get the rightmost part of a string"
type="string" use="the return string or an empty string when length=0"
parameter="string" type="constr" use="the source string"
parameter="length" type="number" use="number of characters to get from the string"
char *r;
if (v_string==0) return 0;
if (v_length>(long int)strlen(v_string)) v_length=strlen(v_string);
if (v_length<0 || v_string==0) r=scpy("");
else r=scpy(v_string+(strlen(v_string)-v_length));
return r;
<routine name="mid" use="Get a subsection from a string"
type="string" use="the return string or and empty string when length=0"
parameter="string" type="constr" use="the source string"
parameter="position" type="number" use="the position to start getting characters from"
parameter="length" type="number" default="99999" use="the maximum length of the return string"
char *r;
if (v_length<1 || v_position>(long int)strlen(v_string)) return 0;
if (v_length+v_position>(long int)strlen(v_string)) v_length=1+strlen(v_string)-v_position;
strncpy(r, v_string+(v_position-1), v_length);
return r;
<routine name="trim" use="Trim the spaces from the start and the end of a string"
type="string" use="return string or null when str doesn't exist"
parameter="str" type="constr" use="the source string"
int f;
int t;
if (v_str==0) return 0;
while (v_str[f-1]==' ' || v_str[f-1]==10 || v_str[f-1]==13 || v_str[f-1]==9) f++;
while (t>=f && (v_str[t-1]==' ' || v_str[t-1]==10 || v_str[t-1]==13 || v_str[t-1]==9)) t--;
return rtn_mid(v_str, f, t-f+1);
<routine name="lefttrim" use="Trim the leading spaces from a string"
type="string" use="the resulting string or null when str doesn't exist"
parameter="str" type="constr" use="the source string"
int f;
int t;
if (v_str==0) return 0;
while (v_str[f-1]==' ' || v_str[f-1]==10 || v_str[f-1]==13 || v_str[f-1]==9) f++;
return rtn_mid(v_str, f, t-f+1);
<routine name="righttrim" use="Trim the trailing spaces from a string"
type="string" use="the resulting string or null when str doesn't exist"
parameter="str" type="constr" use="the source string"
int f;
int t;
if (v_str==0) return 0;
while (t>1 && (v_str[t-1]==' ' || v_str[t-1]==10 || v_str[t-1]==13 || v_str[t-1]==9)) t--;
return rtn_mid(v_str, f, t-f+1);
<routine name="uppercase" use="Converts a string to only uppercase characters"
type="string" use="the resulting string"
parameter="str" type="constr" use="the source string"
long int p;
char *r;
if (v_str==0) return 0;
for(p=0; p< strlen(r); p++) r[p]=toupper(r[p]);
return r;
<routine name="lowercase" use="Converts a string to only lowercase characters"
type="string" use="the resulting string"
parameter="str" type="constr" use="the source string"
long int p;
char *r=scpy(v_str);
for(p=0; p< strlen(r); p++) r[p]=tolower(r[p]);
return r;
<routine name="length" use="Get the length of a string"
type="number" use="the length or 0 when it is null"
parameter="string" type="constr" use="the source string"
if (v_string==0) return 0;
return strlen(v_string);
<routine name="isalpha" use="Check if a string has only alphabetical characters"
parameter="string" type="constr" system>
int p=0;
if (v_string==0 || strlen(v_string)==0) return (1==0);
while (v_string[p]!=0)
{ if (!isalpha(v_string[p])) return (1==0);
return (1==1);
<routine name="isnumber" type="boolean"
parameter="string" type="constr" system>
int p=0;
if (v_string==0 || strlen(v_string)==0) return (1==0);
while (v_string[p]!=0)
{ if (!isdigit(v_string[p])) return (1==0);
return (1==1);
<sub title="File handling functions">
<routine name="open" use="Open a file for reading"
type="stream" use="a stream or null when in error"
parameter="file" type="constr" use="the name of the file to open"
FILE *n=fopen(v_file, "r+");
return n;
<routine name="close" use="Closes a stream"
parameter="stream" type="stream" use="the stream to close"
if (v_stream>0) fclose(v_stream);
<routine name="write" use="Write data to a stream"
parameter="data" type="number" use="the data to write"
parameter="stream" type="stream" use="the stream to write to"
if (v_stream==0) return;
fwrite(&v_data, 4, 1, v_stream);
<routine name="write" use="Write data to a stream"
parameter="data" type="text" use="the data to write"
parameter="stream" type="stream" use="the stream to write to"
if (v_stream==0) return;
fwrite(&v_data.len, 4, 1, v_stream);
fwrite(v_data.ptr, v_data.len, 1, v_stream);
<routine name="read" use="Read data from a stream"
type="number" use="the found number of null if nothing is found"
parameter="stream" type="stream" use="the stream to read"
long int r=0;
if (v_stream==0 || feof(v_stream)) return null;
fread(&r, 4, 1, v_stream);
return r;
<routine name="readtext" use="Read text from a stream"
type="text" use="the found text or null if nothing is found"
parameter="stream" type="stream" use="the stream to read"
struct text t;
if (v_stream==0 || feof(v_stream)) {t.len=0; t.ptr=0; return t;}
fread(&t.len, 4, 1, v_stream);
if (t.len>0 && !feof(v_stream))
{ t.ptr=malloc(t.len+1);
fread(&t.ptr, t.len, 1, v_stream);
} else
{ t.len=0;
return t;
<routine name="get" use="Gets a single character from a stream"
type="constr" use="a string or a null when nothing found"
parameter="stream" type="stream" use="the stream to read"
int i=-1;
static char ch[2];
if (((long int)v_stream)==null) return 0;
if (v_stream>0) i=fgetc(v_stream);
if (v_stream==0 || i<0) return 0;
return ch;
<routine name="input" use="Read a line of text from a stream"
type="string" use="The read string or null if the end of the file is reached"
parameter="from" type="stream" default="stdin" use="the stream to read"
int ch;
char s[2];
char *r=0;
if (v_from==0) v_from=stdin;
while (ch!=10 && ch!=-1)
{ s[0]=ch;
r=scon(r, s);
return r;
<routine name="eof" use="Determin the end of the stream"
type="boolean" use="True is end of file found"
parameter="str" type="stream" use="the current stream" system>
return (v_str==0)?(1==1):(feof(v_str)!=0);
<routine name="append" use="Open a stream to write to the end of it"
type="stream" use="the stream or null when in error"
parameter="file" type="constr" use="the name of the file"
FILE *n=fopen(v_file, "a+");
return n;
<routine name="create" use="Creates a new file with a stream to write to"
type="stream" use="the stream or null when in error"
parameter="file" type="constr" use="the name of the file"
FILE *n=fopen(v_file, "w");
return n;
<routine name="seek" use="Place the filepointer to a specific position"
parameter="str" type="stream" use="the stream to change"
parameter="pos" type="number" use="the position to move to"
fseek(v_str, v_pos, SEEK_SET);
<routine name="flush" use="Flush the buffers used with this stream"
parameter="str" type="stream" default="stdout" use="the stream to flush"
if (v_str==0) v_str=stdout;
<sub title="System functions">
<routine name="shell" use="Issue a command to the current shell"
type="[OK Error]" use="return value of the statement"
parameter="command" type="constr" use="the command to perform"
char *argv[4];
if (execvp("/bin/sh", argv)==-1) return 2;
return 1;
<routine name="getstring" use="Get a specific string from a array of strings"
type="constr" use="the found string not defined for too high values of 'pos'"
parameter="sarray" type="strings" use="an array of strings like the parameters of a program"
parameter="pos" type="number" use="the number of the string to get"
if (v_pos<1) return 0;
return v_sarray[v_pos-1];
<routine name="getenv" use="Get the value of a spefic environment variable"
type="constr" use="Returns the found variable or null when not found"
parameter="variable" type="constr" use="the variable to find" system>
char *s=getenv(v_variable);
return s;
<routine name="random" use="Get a random number"
type="number" use="The found number" system>
return random();
<routine name="initiate" use="Feed a random seed" system>
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
<routine name="curtime" use="Get the current time of day"
type="time" use="the time of day in hundreth of seconds" system>
return time(0);
<routine name="showtime" use="Show the time"
type="string" use="the time in readable form"
parameter="time" type="time" system>
return rtn_trim(ctime(&v_time));
<routine name="check" use="Check the contence of two variables"
type="byte" use="If first parameter is lower: -1, when equal 0: higher: 1"
parameter="num1" type="number" use="first parameter"
parameter="num2" type="number" use="second parameter"
if (v_num1==v_num2) return 0;
if (v_num1==null) return -1;
if (v_num2==null) return 1;
return (v_num1<v_num2)?-1:(v_num1>v_num2);
<routine name="check" use="Same routine but now for comparation of strings"
parameter="str1" type="constr"
parameter="str2" type="constr" system>
if (v_str1==v_str2) return 0;
if (v_str1==0) return -1;
if (v_str2==0) return 1;
return strcmp(v_str1, v_str2);
<routine name="check" use="Same routine but now for comparation of pointers"
parameter="ptr1" type="pointer"
parameter="ptr2" type="pointer" system>
long int i1=v_ptr1.branch*4000+v_ptr1.leaf;
long int i2=v_ptr2.branch*4000+v_ptr2.leaf;
if (i1==i2) return 0;
if (v_ptr1.branch==-1) return -1;
if (v_ptr2.branch==-1) return 1;
return (i1<i2)?-1:(i1>i2);
<routine name="abs" use="Get the absolute value of a number"
parameter="num" type="number" system>
return (v_num<-1)?(-v_num):v_num;
<routine name="newtext" use="Create a new text value"
type="text" use="the text value"
parameter="str" type="string" use="the once string" system>
struct text t;
if (v_str==0) {t.len=0; t.ptr=0; return t;}
return t;
<routine name="gettext" use="Get the string from a text"
type="string" use="the string"
parameter="text" type="text" use="the text" system>
return v_text.ptr;
<routine name="addtext" use="Adds texts together"
type="text" use="the resulting text"
parameter="first" type="text" use="the first text"
parameter="second" type="text" use="the second text" system>
struct text t;
if (v_first.ptr==0) return v_second;
if (v_second.ptr==0) return v_first;
t.ptr=realloc(v_first.ptr, t.len+1);
memcpy(t.ptr+v_first.len, v_second.ptr, v_second.len+1);
return t;
<routine name="nullpointer" use="Get a null pointer value"
type="pointer" system>
struct pointer res;
return res;
<routine name="pause" use="Pauses the system till the next signal" system>
Copyright (C) 2001 Jurjen J. Stellingwerff