Number | Normal numbers. These number range approximately from - till |
Real | Real numbers. Normally written in 'sientific' notation. |
Sort | The field is used to create a fixed order to a table. It must always be the last field of the key index. |
String | The field holds text. This can be a single line till a total essay. |
Enumerate | The field is restricted to a given set of values. The type is written as: "[value1 value2 ...]" |
Pointer | Relation to a record in an index. The type is written als "^index" or "pointer" for a general pointer. |
Time | Date and time field. |
Byte | Short number ranging from 0 till 255. |
Boolean | Only two values 'false' and 'true'. |
ConStr | Constant strings, normally only for optimisation purposes. |
Stream | In- and output streams. Normally pointing to files. |
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