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Text handling functions | The text handling is not perfect. Especially the functions on fields don't work as they should. A new text type should get a copy of the text and not the same pointer. |
Routine | fromhex | Gets a hexedecimal value out of a string |
hex | constr | the string is totally scanned for numbers |
returns: | number | the number or 0 when nothing was found |
Routine | tohex | Creates a string with a hexedecimal value |
num | number | the none negative number |
returns: | string | the string or a null when too big or below zero |
Routine | ascii | Get the acsii value of the first character of the string |
str | string | a string, only the first character is relevant |
returns: | number | the found ascii value of -1 when string was null |
Routine | char | Creates a string with a single character |
ascii | number | the ascii-number of the character |
returns: | constr | the string |
Routine | findstring | Find a substring within another string |
haystack | constr | the string to search in |
needle | constr | the string to search for |
from | numberdefault: '1' | the starting position to search from |
returns: | number | the found position or 0 when nothing is found |
Routine | pattern | |
pattern | string | |
times | number | |
returns: | constr | |
Routine | left | Get the leftmost part of a string |
string | constr | the source string |
length | number | number of characters to get from the string |
returns: | string | the return string or an empty string when length=0 |
Routine | right | Get the rightmost part of a string |
string | constr | the source string |
length | number | number of characters to get from the string |
returns: | string | the return string or an empty string when length=0 |
Routine | mid | Get a subsection from a string |
string | constr | the source string |
position | number | the position to start getting characters from |
length | numberdefault: '99999' | the maximum length of the return string |
returns: | string | the return string or and empty string when length=0 |
Routine | trim | Trim the spaces from the start and the end of a string |
str | constr | the source string |
returns: | string | return string or null when str doesn't exist |
Routine | lefttrim | Trim the leading spaces from a string |
str | constr | the source string |
returns: | string | the resulting string or null when str doesn't exist |
Routine | righttrim | Trim the trailing spaces from a string |
str | constr | the source string |
returns: | string | the resulting string or null when str doesn't exist |
Routine | uppercase | Converts a string to only uppercase characters |
str | constr | the source string |
returns: | string | the resulting string |
Routine | lowercase | Converts a string to only lowercase characters |
str | constr | the source string |
returns: | string | the resulting string |
Routine | length | Get the length of a string |
string | constr | the source string |
returns: | number | the length or 0 when it is null |
Routine | isalpha | Check if a string has only alphabetical characters |
string | constr | |
returns: | boolean | |
Routine | isnumber | |
string | constr | |
returns: | boolean | |
Routine | open | Open a file for reading |
file | constr | the name of the file to open |
returns: | stream | a stream or null when in error |
Routine | close | Closes a stream |
stream | stream | the stream to close |
Routine | write | Write data to a stream |
data | number | the data to write |
stream | stream | the stream to write to |
Routine | write | Write data to a stream |
data | text | the data to write |
stream | stream | the stream to write to |
Routine | read | Read data from a stream |
stream | stream | the stream to read |
returns: | number | the found number of null if nothing is found |
Routine | readtext | Read text from a stream |
stream | stream | the stream to read |
returns: | text | the found text or null if nothing is found |
Routine | get | Gets a single character from a stream |
stream | stream | the stream to read |
returns: | constr | a string or a null when nothing found |
Routine | input | Read a line of text from a stream |
from | streamdefault: 'stdin' | the stream to read |
returns: | string | The read string or null if the end of the file is reached |
Routine | eof | Determin the end of the stream |
str | stream | the current stream |
returns: | boolean | True is end of file found |
Routine | append | Open a stream to write to the end of it |
file | constr | the name of the file |
returns: | stream | the stream or null when in error |
Routine | create | Creates a new file with a stream to write to |
file | constr | the name of the file |
returns: | stream | the stream or null when in error |
Routine | seek | Place the filepointer to a specific position |
str | stream | the stream to change |
pos | number | the position to move to |
Routine | flush | Flush the buffers used with this stream |
str | streamdefault: 'stdout' | the stream to flush |
Routine | shell | Issue a command to the current shell |
command | constr | the command to perform |
returns: | enumerate[OK Error] | return value of the statement |
Routine | getstring | Get a specific string from a array of strings |
sarray | strings | an array of strings like the parameters of a program |
pos | number | the number of the string to get |
returns: | constr | the found string not defined for too high values of 'pos' |
Routine | getenv | Get the value of a spefic environment variable |
variable | constr | the variable to find |
returns: | constr | Returns the found variable or null when not found |
Routine | random | Get a random number |
returns: | number | The found number |
Routine | initiate | Feed a random seed |
Routine | curtime | Get the current time of day |
returns: | time | the time of day in hundreth of seconds |
Routine | showtime | Show the time |
time | time | |
returns: | string | the time in readable form |
Routine | check | Check the contence of two variables |
num1 | number | first parameter |
num2 | number | second parameter |
returns: | byte | If first parameter is lower: -1, when equal 0: higher: 1 |
Routine | check | Same routine but now for comparation of strings |
str1 | constr | |
str2 | constr | |
returns: | byte | |
Routine | check | Same routine but now for comparation of pointers |
ptr1 | pointer | |
ptr2 | pointer | |
returns: | byte | |
Routine | abs | Get the absolute value of a number |
num | number | |
returns: | number | |
Routine | newtext | Create a new text value |
str | string | the once string |
returns: | text | the text value |
Routine | gettext | Get the string from a text |
text | text | the text |
returns: | string | the string |
Routine | addtext | Adds texts together |
first | text | the first text |
second | text | the second text |
returns: | text | the resulting text |
Routine | nullpointer | Get a null pointer value |
returns: | pointer | |
Routine | pause | Pauses the system till the next signal |